PLN to GBP Forecast for 2026. Prediction Zloty to Pound

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Polish Zloty to British Pound Sterling (PLN/GBP) Forecast for 2026

Updated: January 9, 2024 14:22

Inverse rate: GBP to PLN

Zloty to Pound price online today

How much will the PLN/GBP currency pair cost in 2026? What is the forecast for the PLN/GBP currency pair? What is the target price of the Zloty / Pound currency pair for 2026?

Will the Zloty rise or fall against the Pound?

We predict the dynamics of currency pairs using resonant artificial intelligence systems. Technical, fundamental analysis, news background, general geopolitical situation in the world and other factors are taken into account.

The results of forecasts of the Polish Zloty / British Pound Sterling currency pair are presented below in the form of graphs, tables and text information.

How much will the Zloty (PLN) cost against the Pound (GBP) in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 2026?

Historical and forecast chart of the Zloty/Pound currency pair for 2026

The chart below shows the historical quotes of the PLN/GBP pair and the forecast chart for the next year. For convenience, prices are divided by color. Forecast prices include: Optimistic Forecast, Pessimistic Forecast, and Weighted Average Best Forecast. A detailed forecast of the Zloty/Pound rates for 2026 can be found in the table below.

Long-term forecasts by years.

Zloty / Pound (PLN/GBP) Forecast 2026 Monthly

Month Target Pes. Opt. Vol., %
Jan 0.1868 0.1801 0.1909 5.64 %
Feb 0.1877 0.1830 0.1945 5.90 %
Mar 0.1866 0.1823 0.1895 3.81 %
Apr 0.1879 0.1841 0.1927 4.46 %
May 0.1859 0.1831 0.1913 4.28 %
Jun 0.1846 0.1779 0.1916 7.18 %
Jul 0.1805 0.1745 0.1823 4.30 %
Aug 0.1731 0.1709 0.1766 3.21 %
Sep 0.1748 0.1686 0.1797 6.13 %
Oct 0.1838 0.1777 0.1886 5.80 %
Nov 0.1885 0.1816 0.1934 6.07 %
Dec 0.1973 0.1919 0.2019 4.96 %
Target is the weighted average forecast price for the period.
Pes. - the level of the pessimistic forecast.
Opt. - the level of the optimistic forecast.
Vol., % - expected volatility.

PLN/GBP forecast for 2026

Target values of the PLN/GBP currency pair for Jan 2026.

The weighted average target level of the Zloty/Pound currency pair for Jan 2026: 0.186754. The dynamics are negative.

Target values of the PLN/GBP currency pair for Feb 2026.

The weighted average target level of the Zloty/Pound currency pair for Feb 2026: 0.187693. The dynamics are positive.

Target values of the PLN/GBP currency pair for Mar 2026.

The weighted average target level of the Zloty/Pound currency pair for Mar 2026: 0.186573. The dynamics are negative.

Target values of the PLN/GBP currency pair for Apr 2026.

The weighted average target level of the Zloty/Pound currency pair for Apr 2026: 0.187888. The dynamics are positive.

Target values of the PLN/GBP currency pair for May 2026.

The weighted average target level of the Zloty/Pound currency pair for May 2026: 0.185936. The dynamics are negative.

Target values of the PLN/GBP currency pair for Jun 2026.

The weighted average target level of the Zloty/Pound currency pair for Jun 2026: 0.184644. The dynamics are negative.

Target values of the PLN/GBP currency pair for Jul 2026.

The weighted average target level of the Zloty/Pound currency pair for Jul 2026: 0.180492. The dynamics are negative.

Target values of the PLN/GBP currency pair for Aug 2026.

The weighted average target level of the Zloty/Pound currency pair for Aug 2026: 0.173051. The dynamics are negative.

Target values of the PLN/GBP currency pair for Sep 2026.

The weighted average target level of the Zloty/Pound currency pair for Sep 2026: 0.174799. The dynamics are positive.

Target values of the PLN/GBP currency pair for Oct 2026.

The weighted average target level of the Zloty/Pound currency pair for Oct 2026: 0.183806. The dynamics are positive.

Target values of the PLN/GBP currency pair for Nov 2026.

The weighted average target level of the Zloty/Pound currency pair for Nov 2026: 0.188518. The dynamics are positive.

Target values of the PLN/GBP currency pair for Dec 2026.

The weighted average target level of the Zloty/Pound currency pair for Dec 2026: 0.197298. The dynamics are positive.

Other currencies against the Pound (GBP)


All forecast data on the site are provided for informational purposes of using neural forecasting tools in the financial market and are not a call to action and, moreover, are not trading signals. When using the forecast data, the investor assumes all financial risks. The portal is not responsible for the loss of your money in the stock market as a result of using the information contained on the site.